More On Web Server ECC Performance

Last summer I talked a bit about ECC performance in Web Server 7.0 while comparing different ECC and RSA key sizes.

In the previous article I had a table which showed the approximate equivalency in strength of RSA vs. ECC key sizes. This time, I’ll pick one row from that table and compare the performance of several cipher suites in those key sizes. I decided to use 3072 bit RSA keys – roughly equivalent to 256 bit ECC keys. For my JES Web Server 7.0 instance, I generated a 3072 bit RSA keypair and an ECC keypair on NIST P-256 curve (256 bit key).

Using the various cipher suites shown below, I ran a fixed number of requests to the web server; the Y axis shows time taken to complete these. As in the previous article, I ran each scenario at various percentages of SSL session reuse; these are shown in the X axis.

As before, when the SSL session is always reused (far left X axis on the graph) the cipher suite and server key size hardly matter since there is only 1 full handshake in the entire run, therefore its cost is lost in the noise. As the percentage of new handshakes increase, the computational load on the server increases and the differences between key sizes and cipher suites become increasingly visible.

Now, remember, in this graph every line is using equivalent server key sizes (3072 bit for RSA, 256 bit for ECC), so we’re focusing on the differences between the cipher suites themselves.

The red line shows the traditional RSA server keypair (3072 bit).

The black line is interesting as it is a good bit slower than all the others. The TLS_ECDHE_RSA_* cipher suites deserve some comment. When using these suites, the web server actually has an RSA keypair. These suites can be used by your existing web server without generating any new keys or having to obtain new server certificates from your CA. Instant ECC adoption! The tradeoff, however, can be seen from the graph… performance is not the best.

The TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_* (blue line) came out the same (within experimental error, I measured these numbers on my desktop and not a dedicated server) as the RSA cipher suite (at this particular key size – at larger key sizes ECC would have an advantage since the cost of RSA computation increases faster as key sizes grow).

Finally, the green line shows the TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_* runs, which were significantly faster than RSA.

Hopefully this small experiment sheds some light in selecting appropriate cipher suites for your server installation as there are a number of tradeoffs in performance, convenience and flexibility. ECC offers significant performance advantages but as with any technology it is important to understand the details. For example, if performance is very important in your server you should look into generating an ECC key pair instead of attempting to use TLS_ECDHE_RSA_* suites with your existing RSA-based server keypair/certificate.

I should probably also point out that here I looked only at the server side of the performance coin. But if you have small devices (mobile phones, etc) using ECC, the benefit to those clients from ECC over RSA can be substantial.

Posted in Sun